25th April

Superb conditions today for a special ANZAC DAY swim, which is also our closing Sunday meeting for the Summer Season.

Proceedings commenced with an ANZAC ceremony with the Ode and a minutes silence.

Gary Ballard was belatedly presented with the Iron Person Trophy from last week.

3 prizes offered today for the annual

1000M freestyle (sponsored by Ann and Eric Wood),

100M Freestyle(Cheryl and Peter Poppett) and the

50M Freestyle(Geoff Armstrong).

Winners were Dave Dopson (1000M), John Irvine(M) and Joyce Grounds(F) in the 100M, and Kylie Mulholland(F) and Steve Murray(M) in the 50M.

The 1000M also had prizes for 2nd and 3rd, winners Elizabeth Whitcombe and Joan Harper.

Congratulations to our winners on the day. Well Done.

Captain Lisa also conducted a ceremonial destruction of Bill Jury’s wetsuit in the interest of public health.

Winter swimming commences next Sunday at Cronulla Beach.

Register times from 8.30am and swim commences at 9.00am

Iron Person Gary graciously accepts his trophy from Lisa and Cheryl
Never to be worn again
Dave, Elizabeth and Joan receive their prizes from the Woods
Poppett’s present the 100M prizes to Joyce and John.
Geoff presents 50M prizes to Kylie and Steve. Lisa proudly displays the ruins of Bill’s wetsuit.

18th April

Today we had smooth conditions and a good size attendance.

The annual IronPerson event was held which involves two swim legs with a run down the sand flats sandwiched between. Congratulations to Kylie Mulholland who finished closest to her nominated time. Gary Ballard was first across the line with Captain Lisa second. Ingrid Moon suffered a nasty Jimbel(jellyfish) sting, but was able to complete the event.

The trophy event was the 100M Freestyle sponsored by Jenny Falson and Denny Ford. Winners were Lesley Woodland(F) and Steve Murray(M) who managed to swim 111 metres in a 100M event.

Final Summer Sunday swim next Sunday which is also Anzac Day.

Bluebottles are the duty team.

Steve and Lesley receive their prize from Jenny and Denny.

11th April

Sunday April 11 presented a strong icy cold south-west wind, which tested the resilience of our hardy swimmers. There was only one break on the day, John Irvine, who dazzled them in the 100M Freestyle.

The schedule had 2 prize events. The Jack Kirkland 400M Freestyle with the prize going to the swimmer closest to tag time. Winner was Paul Cavanagh.

The 2nd event was the John Suann 100M Freestyle which was also for the swimmer closest to their time. Winners were Lisa Hedge(F) and Gordon Williams(M).

Well done to our winners and all swimmers who braved the elements. Only 2 more Sunday swims in the Summer Season.

Dressed for the occasion.
Don Saunders presents the John Suann prizes to Gordon(left) and Lisa (Middle).

Easter Sunday Swim

First swim at the bay for over a month and conditions were perfect, except for the low tide which meant a long climb down to the blocks.

Feature race was the Joyce Grounds/Elizabeth Whitcombe 400M.

The prize was for swimmers nearest to the break(8 secs). John Hennessy keenly assisted the Race Secretary compiling results for the first time and Surprise Surprise, he is the winner of the Male event. Kylie Mulholland was the clear winner of the Female prize.

Monthly prizes for poinstscores went to Ingrid Moon and Steve Murray. Only 3 more Sunday swims left in our Summer Season.

Only 3 Sunday swims left for our Summer Season.

Kylie and John Receive their prizes from Joyce and Elizabeth.
Jack presents Ingrid and Steve with their monthly pointscore awards.

AIF 6th March

Our club had a small team attend the 85th AIF swimming carnival at Southport QLD.

All our team swam very well and everyone can be proud of their efforts.

The club came 4th in Mens pointscore despite only have a small presence.

Championship Swim results:

  • John Butterfield 1st
  • Brian Havilah 2nd
  • Joyce Grounds 2nd
  • Ann Wood 2nd
  • Ingrid Moon 3rd
  • John Hennessy 3 X 3rds.(Free,Back,Butterfly)


Tobruk Shield (Lisa, Eric, Joyce,John Butterfield). 3rd place.

Handicap events:

  • Brian Havilah finalist 50M
  • Lisa Hedge finalist 100M

Next years carnival is at Coffs Harbour 19th March.

28th Feb

A big high tide with a southerly wind for the last day of our Championship races.

Congratulations to Lisa Hedge and Andre Picone who won both 50M and 100M Freestyle Championship events.

Steve Murray and Lisa Hedge are the overall Club Champions for the season – Well Done on some great swimming.

The prize event of the day was the Dave Dopson 50M Freestyle for the swimmers closest to their handicap time. Winners were Lisa Hedge (F) and Eric Wood (M). Eric was exactly on his time.

Good luck to our swimmers attending the AIF Carnival in Southport next weekend. A normal swim program will be held at the Bay next Sunday.

Dave presents Lisa and Eric with their prizes.

21st Feb

Beautiful swimming conditions today with no wind and warm pool temps.

200M Freestyle Championships were run and Lisa Hedge and Steve Murray were winners of the Female and Male categories.

Next week the 100M and 50M freestyle championships are scheduled.

The prize event of the day was the 100M Freestyle sponsored by the Garlands.

Sandy Picone was victorious is the Female and new member blow-in Alan Villagrand had the hide to be 0.00 off his handicap time and clean up the Male prize.

Well Done Sandy and Alan.Photo of Sandy (left) and Alan (right) receiving their prize from Rod and Di Garland. Lisa is thinking about her next fine.

Rod and Di Garland present Sandy and Alan with their winning prize.

14 Feb

A strong southerly wind making conditions a bit uncomfortable, but a good attendance resulted in a successful day’s swimming.

Congratulations to Lisa Hedge and Steve Murray who were Female and Male 400M champions.

The prize event of the day was the Les Cavanagh 50M freestyle Memorial Trophy for the swimmer closest to their handicap time. Steve Murray was again successful, well done Steve.

Phil Short won his age group in the Shark Island swim last weekend and he was presented with his trophy by Club Captain Lisa and Vice Captain Cheryl. Phil had left for home when the winners were announced on the day. Congratulations Phil on a great swim.

Paul Cavanagh present Steve with the Trophy
Lisa and Cheryl present Phil with the Shark Island over 65 race trophy.

7th Feb

Perfect conditions with swim numbers down a fraction due to some swimmers participating in the Shark Island Swim.

The prize event of the day was the 50M with Jon Jenkins sponsoring the prize.

There were 2 swimmers dead heated for the female prize: Kylie Mulholland and Carrol Daly.

A coin toss determined who received the prize and Carrol won the toss. Congratulations both swimmers.

In the men’s there were amazingly close results with 1st and 2nd being .03 and .04 secs from their time.

The winner was John Irvine, Congratulations John.

Sea Slugs are on duty next week.

Jon presents John Irvine and Carrol Daly with their prizes

Special Day at the Greys

Friday 5th Feb.

Today our club was privileged to have the family of Warren Bradley visit us to participate in our Friday Swim in honour of Warren.

This was a fantastic gesture on the morning of Warren’s Funeral Service and our club enjoyed a very special morning with them.

An incredible way to honour a great friend and father, husband, grandfather and extended family.

Warren will be sadly missed by our club, but not forgotten.

Thanks for sharing the experience with our members.

The Bradley Family
Ready to swim