Cronulla RSL Swimming Club is a successful club which promotes the enjoyment of swimming and companionship. All ages and swimming levels are catered for and new members are always welcome.
From 1st July 2024 the Cronulla Leagues Swimming Club integrated with the Cronulla RSL Swimming Club. They will operate as the Cronulla RSL Swimming Club Sharks. This expanded club now provides even more swimming options for the members.
The Club has three swimming groups:
- The traditional Cronulla RSL Swimming Club (daytime Sundays)
- The Gunnamatta Greys(daytime Wednesdays and Fridays)
- The Cronulla RSL Swimming Club Sharks (Tuesday Evenings)
During summer season (1st October to 30th April), the Club swims at Gunnamatta Baths on
- Sunday mornings, registrations at 8.30am,
- Gunnamatta Greys Wednesday and Friday mornings, registrations at 9.30am (8.30am during Summer School Holidays)
- Sharks Tuesday evenings at Cronulla Beach Pavilion Pool registrations 7.00pm
During the winter season (1st May to 30th September), the Club swims on
- Sunday mornings from 8.30am at Cronulla Beach
- Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9.30 am at Cronulla Beach
- Sharks Tuesday evenings at Cronulla Beach Pavilion Pool registrations 7.00pm (year round program).
- Click on this link for more info on the Sharks swims:
If you’re interested, come down and swim as a guest to see if you like it before joining.